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About us


This entire journey started with Achilles, my favorite red Doberman. In 2015, he was one year old and he had the most amazingly horrible gas, it was so intensely potent it would literally feel like my eyebrows were going to burn off of my face! We tried various brands of dry dog food… it would sometimes be worse, yet never better.  After talking to our veterinarian and he explained to me that Dobermans have a short digestive tract and his body is working hard to digest the processed food I was feeding him, in a short amount of time, causing this horrible gas. He advised me that it would be better if I fed him home-cooked food or fed him a raw diet. I could only imagine how horrible his stomach would ache internally if it was this bad outside of his body how did he feel inside and he thought this was normal life. I could not let him live this way. I started researching recipes, foods/vegetables that were safe for dogs. Most of the recipes were similar with the smallest variances. Within three weeks I had created a recipe, showed my veterinarian and with his approval began food prepping for Achilles. Within two days of changing Achilles to cooked food his potent gas totally went away, within one-two weeks his coat was shinier, his eyes were brighter, his teeth were whiter and most importantly Achilles seemed to have his hunger satisfied once he ate dinner. As we have brought other Dobermans and Doberman Mixed dogs into our home, they have all enjoyed eating home-cooked human grade dog food also. Achilles is the reason for our entire lifestyle change as to how we feed our pups, he was my best friend and favorite redhead, I would do anything within my control to make his life better! Heal because he was a magically smart Doberman and in so many ways healed our hearts and made our lives that much more amazing!

We are Achilles Heal because of him,

Rest in Heaven sweet Achilles, 04/28/2014-02/20/2023.

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